More than 50 students from Melipeuco visited the Conguillío National Park, with the aim of recognizing the 3rd and 5th grade students of the Llaima Volcano School, who won the "Tetrachampions Escolar 2023" recycling campaign, carried out during the second semester of the 2023 school year.

The instance sought to promote the recycling of Tetrapak waste in educational establishments in the commune, as part of the "Me Sumo" project, a program promoted by LAP, the Environment Unit of the Municipality of Melipueco and the National System of Environmental Certification of Educational Establishments (SNCAE).
It seeks to create different initiatives in favor of the community, including sustainable development in issues such as environmental education, economic productivity, tourism, and care for the environment.
Along these lines, LAP's Sustainability Manager, José Salgado, commented that "the promotion of recycling is a fundamental contribution to mitigating the impacts of climate change and reducing the carbon footprint in the area. That is why, through Me Sumo, we hope to continue creating these spaces and thus add more and more experience in the inhabitants of Melipeuco in the matter."

During the visit to the Conguillío National Park, the students were part of a tour guided by monitors of the program, in which they visited the coves trail and the rainbow lagoon, with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyle habits, such as respect and commitment to take care of the natural heritage of the area.
In this regard, the person in charge of the Environment Unit of Melipeuco, Fabián Oñate, commented that "in this way we also want to thank the teachers and parents for their work in motivating children to recycle this waste and believe in the campaign, with which we are raising awareness and generating concrete actions for a more sustainable future".

Click below to see a video of the activity