Escuela Volcán Llaima, Cumcumyaque, Carén and Liceo Los Andes are the establishments where the program of the Municipality of Melipeuco and Latin America Power is going on.
Through joint work, LAP and the Department of Education of the Municipality of Melipeuco are working on the implementation of an environmental certification program in differents educational establishments in the community.

The distinction is awarded by the National System of Environmental Certification of Educational Establishments (SNCAE), and seeks to be a strategy to address environmental education for sustainability in educational establishments in the country, from preschool to secondary education.
As part of this initiative, the regional manager of the program, Nataly San Martin, had an interview with the directors of the schools that are part of the process, together with LAP's HSSE supervisor, Manuel González, to get an impression of the work that has been done, learn about the experience of this alliance and see improvements in which the ministry can contribute.
In this regard, Manuel González said that "for us it is extremely relevant to be able to participate in this initiative and actively support different educational establishments in the area, and encourage care for the environment in all young people."
This public-private partnership began in July 2021 and has already certified four schools in Melipeuco.