More than 450 people visited Conguillío National Park thanks to the “Melipeuco Knows his Park” program.


Initiative that we promoted since 2022 with Tourism Unit of the Municipality of Melipeuco and Conaf, which aims to break the accessibility gaps to protected wilderness areas in the zone.

On mid-March the official closure of the 2023 edition of the “Melipeuco Knows his Park” program was carried out, initiative promoted by LAP alongside the Municipality of Melipeuco and the National Forestall Corporation.

The ceremony took place in the Conguillío National Park and was attended by authorities from the Municipality of Melipeuco, LAP's HSSE supervisor, Manuel González, members of Conaf and a delegation of beneficiaries who participated in the program.

Between 2022 and 2023, the initiative, which aims to break the accessibility gaps to protected wilderness areas, allowed around 450 people to get to know the Conguillío National Park, of which 80% visited the place for the first time.

In this regard, Luis Villar, a resident of Melipeuco who participated in the program, appreciated the initiative, and added that, “I have lived in Melipeuco for more than 30 years and had never visited the park. I didn't plan to share with so many people, now I have a story to tell my grandchildren”. Along the same lines, Jorge Juanico, who was also part of the activity, stressed that "we are happy to be here, since they are very beautiful places, and we didn’t know them."

Regarding the objective of the program, the professional in charge of the Tourism Unit of the Municipality of Melipeuco, Trinidad Bozzi, highlighted the importance of the people of Melipeuco being able to get to know the park, since "that way they can preserve, maintain and disseminate it. That is where the role of private companies in the area plays an important role in the community”.

For his part, our HSSE supervisor, Manuel González, who also participated in the planification of the visits to the park, along with expressing his commitment and pride in participating in this type of initiative, stressed that "we have been working together with the office of tourism, and thanks to this year's results we hope to continue promoting this and many more activities that have to do with environmental education and the growth of the commune”.

The 2023 season of this initiative included 15 visits, in which more than 220 people participated, who were guided by the SNCAE coordinator of LAP, Bernardo Jaramillo.