Melipeuco students learned about renewable energy with the “Kids in Energy” program of WEC Chile

In a ceremony Latin America Power also presented recognition to eight schools in the sector that were part of the National Environmental Certification Program.

62 students from Melipeuco participated in the "Vive la Energía" program of the Kids in Energy & Sustainability 2024 line, an initiative promoted by the World Energy Council Chile (WEC Chile) and its associated entities, Latin America Power (LAP) and the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences of the Adolfo Ibáñez University (UAI). It aims to provide learning tools and meaningful experiences to children at an early age, as well as to convey in simple words what the energy system means in their lives.

On this occasion, the program, which is already in its third year of development, was carried out in Melipeuco as part of the Me Sumo Project, an initiative that since 2022 has been promoted by Latin America Power and the Municipality of Melipeuco, which is based on the development of a management model for Environmental Education and Management of the commune. allowing the realization of different initiatives, such as the certification of schools in the National System of School Environmental Certification (SNCAE), and other projects linked to the implementation of sustainable practices, such as recycling and communal composting.

In this regard, the general manager of LAP, Esteban Moraga commented that, “since we started with this project, the objective has been to add new actors to continue developing the entire commune and its inhabitants, hand in hand with joint work within the framework.” of this public-private alliance. Likewise, for us, being part of dialogue spaces and platforms such as WEC Chile is very important, which is why we are proud to have been able to bring Kids in Energy closer to Melipeuco and thus generate a comprehensive synergy with the students who participate daily in the Me Sumo project”.

During the day, students from the Volcán Llaima, San Gabriel, Cumcumllaque, Carén, Dahuelhue, and Colegio Adenauer schools were part of different activities focused on the concept of “Energy Literacy” and theoretical-practical sessions on the use and management of renewable energies.

Along these lines, the Executive Director of the World Energy Council Chile, María Trinidad Castro commented that "it is a pride to see the community work carried out in the town of Melipeuco and its emphasis on education. We are mobilized that schools throughout Chile can be part of initiatives such as our Kids in Energy & Sustainability program, where we seek to learn together with children about the importance of our energy system, which is at the heart of our lives."

SNCAE environmental certification program

After the activities, in a ceremony in a ceremony that was attended by the seremi of Finance of the Araucanía region, Ronald Kliebs, the company Latin America Power (LAP) awarded recognition to the eight establishments that were certified at a level of excellence by the Ministry's Environmental Certification program. of Education.

The initiative is developed by LAP together with the National Student Environmental Certification Service (SNCAE) and the Department of Education of the Municipality of Melipeuco and seeks to implement a comprehensive strategy to address environmental education for sustainability in the educational establishments of the commune.

Along these lines, LAP's Sustainability and Environment Manager, José Salgado, valued the collaborative work that has been implemented and invited the community to continue forward. “To date, thanks to the efforts of all the actors involved in the program, we have managed to incorporate 95% of the community's students into the Environmental Education program. This motivates us to continue supporting this beautiful project, which is important not only for the commune of Melipeuco, but for all the schools in the country that are embracing this certification system,” he added.

On this occasion, the program certified the Volcán Llaima, Cumcumyaque, Carén and Liceo Los Andes schools at the Excellence Level, the Fundo Molulco School at the Medium Level and the Dahuelhue, Cumcumllaque and 10 de Llaima Schools at the Basic Level.

The recognized establishments were part of the initiative from 2022 and 2023, while for 2024 the company announced the incorporation of the Molulco School and Adenauer School, to the activities that the program will offer for 2024.

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