Students from the Canela High School learned about renewable energy at the Totoral Wind Farm

Students from Canela High School visited the Latin America Power Wind Farm facilities where, along with a tour of the site, they were taught about the importance of renewable energies, environmental regulations and waste treatment processes.

With the aim of teaching young people in the area about the importance of renewable energy, 15 senior class students from the scientific and humanistic specialty of Canela High School visited the facilities of Totoral Wind Farm, where the renewable energy generating company Latin America Power operates.

In this occasion, the students toured the Wind Farm facilities, where they were shown the operation of the plant's warehouses and learned about the waste treatment process and the operation of renewable energies.

At the same time, the head of Totoral Wind Farm, Francisco Flores and HSSE Supervisor, Yolynny Bascur, gave a lecture on the importance of renewable energies for the future and all the issues involved in environmental regulation processes, such as the Environmental Qualification Resolution, Environmental Impact Studies and Environmental Impact Statements.

In this regard, Flores emphasized that "these initiatives have a high value for us at Latin America Power, as they bring us closer to the community and give us the opportunity to make the reality of our operation known. With this, the community clarifies their doubts and, if we focus on the students, they leave with new knowledge and with the motivation to one day become part of this industry".

En tanto, el profesor del Liceo de Canela, Gonzalo Vega, enfatizó en la importancia que tiene este tipo de iniciativas para los alumnos, ya que “de esta manera pueden aprender cosas más técnicas. Haber terminado viendo el tema de los residuos fue importante y refleja el compromiso con el medioambiente del parque eólico y nosotros también lo fomentamos en nuestro sello institucional que es el respeto por el medioambiente y la diversidad sociocultural.»

The event is part of a series of visits agreed between Latin America Power and Liceo de Canela (Canela High School), which seeks to educate more than 40 students of this establishment on the subject, for the better understanding of the operation of renewable energy and its processes.