This was the first time we were part of this event, which gathered 144 exhibitors, being the first company in the renewable energy sector to be part of the event.

Between January 27 and 29, we participated in the Expo Región de Coquimbo 2023 fair, an activity that was held for the first time in three years in the Espacio Peñuelas sector, with the objective of making visible what companies from different industries in the area are doing.

The fair, organized by the Regional Government of Coquimbo and the Regional Corporation for Productive Development, was attended by INDAP and SERNATUR, as well as companies from different sectors, such as tourism, agribusiness, food and mining.

In this context, we were the first renewable energy company to participate in the event, through a sustainability pavilion in which LAP's Sustainability Manager, José Salgado, together with the HSSE supervisor, Manuel González, made presentations on clean energy, its processes and the tools used for its generation. They also explained what the Totoral Wind Farm is about, what it represents for the region, its history and what is done inside its facilities.

In this regard, José Salgado emphasized that "for us it is a great milestone to have been able to participate in the Coquimbo Region Expo, fulfilling our role of sharing with the community in this type of event and showing them a little more of what we do both at Parque Eólico Totoral and through our various projects in Chile and Peru. We are happy to have been able to talk with different entrepreneurs, students and children in the area, in order to explain the importance of renewable energies and sustainability".

The event brought together 144 exhibitors from the 15 municipalities that are part of the Coquimbo Region and included the presentation of local artists, along with a gastronomic activity that included the preparation of regional products with signature cocktails.