In a ceremony held in the Municipality of Melipeuco, the company also announced the launch of a security campaign for the inhabitants of the commune, called “Vecino Vigilante.”
Through a ceremony held at the office of the Municipality of Melipeuco, 50 students from the Cumcumllaque, Caren, Volcán Llaima and Liceo Los Andes schools received educational scholarships with a focus on basic, middle, and superior education, assigned by the Scholarship Program Studies of the renewable energy generator, Latin America Power (LAP).
The activity included the participation of the representative of the Seremi de Energía de la Araucanía, Fernando Figueroa, the director of the Municipal Education Administration Department, Johnny Ceballos, Carabineros of Chile, representatives of INACAP Temuco along with directors, parents, and students of the different educational establishments.
Since 2014, the LAP scholarship program has benefited more than 350 students of Melipeuco, through a benefit whose main objective is to promote education in the area. The initiative seeks to help basic, middle, and higher education students so that they can buy materials, technological implements, books, and different items.
In this regard, the director of the Department of Municipal Education Administration, Johnny Ceballos Cid, emphasized the importance of these initiatives for the future of the young people of the commune, and that as a municipality they hope to continue managing, promoting, and supporting these types of benefits. “These scholarships come to collaborate and contribute directly to our students and their families, so that they continue on their educational path, continue to strive, and so that with these benefits they receive a grain of sand for their dreams and even for their professional careers in the world.” case of higher education students. This is what ultimately matters most to the families and to us, because in this way the quality of life of the citizens of Melipeuco will increasingly improve.”
Along with awarding scholarships, during the activity, recognition was also given to five students from Liceo Los Andes, who were part of the initiatives that were developed within the framework of the “Me Sumo” project, an initiative promoted by LAP since 2021, together with the National Student Environmental Certification Service (SNCAE) and the Municipality of Melipeuco.
The Sustainability Manager of Latin America Power, José Salgado, highlighted the collaborative work in which students from different establishments have participated. “The Environmental Certification Program has been a banner of the work that has been developed, and the progress that has been achieved in the commune in terms of environmental education. That is why we wanted to recognize the role of the students, who in the last year demonstrated a strong commitment and enthusiasm to learn and continue expanding their knowledge in caring for the environment,” said the LAP executive.
Finally, with the aim of ensuring the safety of the inhabitants of the commune, the “Vecino Vigilante” campaign was launched, an initiative of Latin America Power together with the Municipality of Melipeuco and Carabineros of the commune, which seeks to achieve collaborative work between the inhabitants of Melipeuco in reporting suspicious events and acts through common contact tools that will be delivered through this initiative.