Latin America Power (LAP), a renewable energy generation company with presence in Chile and Peru, presented its Sustainability Report 2022, in which it deepened on the contributions in terms of economic, social and environmental development that contributed to the more than ten projects it has in operation, which contribute 961 Gwh of clean energy to the matrix of both countries.
In this regard, the General Manager of Latin America Power, Esteban Moraga, noted that "in this third sustainability report, we wanted to summarize our performance in the environmental, social and governance dimensions, along with reinforcing that the company's focus on sustainability goes beyond just investing in clean energy projects, but that we are directly involved with our neighbors, understanding that they are key players for the future of the town, the country and the care of the planet in general".
Contribution to education and the environment
During 2022, the company developed different projects in terms of environmental education and care for the environment, in line with its work to contribute to nine of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
In this line, to promote local development, in Chile LAP awarded 50 educational scholarships to students from Cumcumllaque, Caren, Volcán Llaima and Liceo Los Andes schools, assigned by its Scholarship Program. It also promoted different activities included in the "Me Sumo Project", a program that has been in operation since 2021 and consists of different initiatives that have promoted recycling, community composting and other activities focused on environmental education for children and adults in the municipality of Melipeuco.
In this context, the Environmental Certification program and the progress made in conjunction with the National Service for Student Environmental Certification, the Department of Education of the Municipality of Melipeuco and the educational establishments Escuela Volcán Llaima, Escuela Cumcumyaque, Escuela Carén and Liceo Los Andes stand out, making it possible to incorporate three new establishments into the environmental certification program in 2023.
In terms of certifications, LAP underwent for the second time an evaluation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which determined that the company reduced by 50.2% the emission of gases at corporate level, considering its projects throughout Chile, where the reduction was 51%, and Peru, with a reduction of 41%.
In this regard, the Sustainability Manager of Latin America Power, José Salgado, pointed out that "we are aware that these types of instances are crucial to show the commitment we have with the environment and the environment around us. While we receive these results as a good sign of the work we are doing, they also motivate us to continue improving year after year, to constantly reduce our impact on the environment".
Main milestones
Among the various milestones reported by LAP during this period was the reopening of the Carilafquén - Malalcahuello hydroelectric plant, which led to the renewal of a social agreement between the company and the indigenous community near the area, called Esteban Traipe. On the other hand, in Chile, the company obtained the 40 hours of work seal, a certification that recognizes the company for promoting a voluntary policy of reducing the working day, which demonstrates the focus on work-life balance and care of people.