In order to improve the quality of life of the families of the Huasahuasi district, in the province of Tarma, Junín region, we launched the Huasahuasi Management Committee (CGH), which is executing an emblematic project of sustainable development called "Improvement of potato seed".
It should be noted that the district has been recognized as the "Seed Capital of potato" in Peru, since it has more than 300 varieties of tubers, being this a main livelihood for both the inhabitants of the area and a relevant input in the country's basic family basket.

The CGH seeks to train the small and medium farmers of Huasahuasi, with the technical handling of potato seed, to progressively achieve a production of high-quality seeds, certified by SENASA, and thus be able to improve the yields per hectare of their harvest.
This project is carried out through the contribution of the Social Investment Fund (FIS) that LAP/ EGE Junín allocates since 2013 to the CGH, given the social commitments assumed with the community as a result of the presence of the Huasahuasi 1 and 2 Hydroelectric Power Plant.
As part of their voluntary commitment to the Committee, farmers group together to assume responsibility for a production module and thus receive seedlings, supplies and technical advice in the different stages of the process, until achieving the certification and commercialization of the seed at more competitive prices.

In addition, they obtain the producer registration, to be beneficiaries of the Sierra y Selva Exportadora program of the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI), for the articulation of seed and potato markets for consumption, in order to improve their income and family economy.
Sierra y Selva Exportadora, is a strategic ally that will allow promoting the massive sale of potato seed within competitive markets, reinforcing the sustainability of the Huasahuasi Management Committee project.
At LAP, we are committed to our neighboring communities, always seeking to have a harmonious relationship and promoting their sustainable development through different initiatives.